Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sock Monkeys Way Out West

Hey - I did my first YouTube video tonight! It's a little "rustic", but I'm tickled to have been able to figure out how to do it. I'm sure there will be more to come. Here it is...


I just discovered Furoshiki and I love it!  I plan to carry a square cloth with me at all times so when I go shopping I will have my own bag.  Plastic bags?  No Thanks.  I'm going to use this method for wrapping lots of Christmas presents, too!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Missionary Monkey writes Home

This must be the week for hearing from monkeys that have moved on from Sock Monkey Ranch. This week I received an email from Max (see earlier post) and from Precious, our little Missionary Monkey.

Precious is currently on the mission field in Malawi, Africa. She's been gone about 3 weeks and already she's visited orphanages, village churches, hundreds of miles of gorgeous tea, coffee, tobacco, and banana plantations. She loves the little thatched roofed African villages and says the people are so friendly, they make you feel like an honored guest.

She also took a speedboat upriver to Lilonde National Park and said they passed right thru big herds of hippos in the water and crocs everywhere.

She will also see Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Swaziland, Durbin, So. Africa and finally
Johannesburg before she flies home the first week of December. She's looking forward to seeing Victoria Falls and spend a couple days in Kruger Game Park.

We're praying for a safe return from the mission field for both Precious and her human escorts.

We love hearing from our monkeys, so if you are one, or you have adopted one...please...write home! (and send pics if you can)

I knew it was gonna happen!

I got an email from Max yesterday.  Max left Sock Monkey Ranch about a year ago for his new home in Maryland.  I was just a bit worried about Max, because he tends make the wrong kind of friends everywhere he goes.  I was right to be worried!

Here's a pic he sent me of his new "friends". (That's Max in the middle with the ipod)

As you can see, they seem like a no-account bunch of hooligans. Sure enough, the next picture I received was this one...with a request for bail money!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Miss Millie's Fashion Makeover

Miss Millie went shopping over at this week and came home sportin' this classy new cowgirl outfit. I wish you'd been here when Dusty got his first look at her in her new get-up. His jaw dropped clear down to his kneecaps!

Miss Millie said she found her outfit in Stitchgir52's shop. Pop on over there and take a look at her wonderful fashions and don't forget to tell her that Miss Millie sent ya.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I just gave birth to a Doctor!

This little guy is a special order for a baby whose mom and dad are both ER doctors.  I was so tickled with the way he turned out that I just had to show him off.

His name is Dr. Munkee!