Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One Good Annie Deserves Another

I ran into another sock monkey artist - Janet (she goes by Jan) from  in an chatroom.  After chatting a few minutes, I hopped on over to Jan's shop to do some browsing and fell in love with one of her monkeys.  Her name is Annie Oakley and she looked like she was just made for Sock Monkey Ranch.

I asked Jan if she would be up for a trade and after looking at my monkeys, she decided on guess Little Annie!

Ok, so two sock monkey makers named Jan, both have Etsy shops and both picked a monkey named Annie....soooo Twilight Zone!

Jan's from England, so I shipped Annie across the pond today. I just know she will love England and I can't wait until Annie Oakley arrives at Sock Monkey Ranch!


  1. Jan met Jan and exchanged Annies!! Yeehaw!! He He! I love your work and i am so excited about Your Annie coming here to live in England! Oh the fun and love we will behold is extremly xciting we wait in anticipation , i think i need to calm all the monkeys down here they are excited too....oh ! i can not wait! * skip twirl * I also loved reading your blog too, those monkey skins look fabby happy creating with those Jan!! Congrats on your story entry it had me on an emotional mini rollercoaster, it deserves to have got where it got and further! he he... great work! Big Munkihuggs x

  2. Annie arrived from England today, but I suspect she met with some trouble along the way. I think she was bush-wacked!

    Her shipping container was crushed, her cowgirl hat was mangled beyond recognition, but Annie herself didn't have a scratch on her.

    It looks like she put up quite a fight...and won! She's one tough little girl.

    I'm sure Miss Millie will help her recover from her trecherous trip across the pond and take her into town on the buck-board to pick up a new hat. It's all good.
