Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Miss Millie's Fashion Makeover

Miss Millie went shopping over at this week and came home sportin' this classy new cowgirl outfit. I wish you'd been here when Dusty got his first look at her in her new get-up. His jaw dropped clear down to his kneecaps!

Miss Millie said she found her outfit in Stitchgir52's shop. Pop on over there and take a look at her wonderful fashions and don't forget to tell her that Miss Millie sent ya.


  1. Miss Millie looks great!!!

  2. Waving Hi to Jan and the favorite Sock Monkey Ranch.

    We love your new Mini Monkeys.

    We blogged about it today!

    *Camp Sock Monkey*: Handmade Sock Monkeys by Sock Monkey Ranch

    Sending our best wishes for a Very Merry Sock Monkey Holiday Season.

    Camp Sock Monkey
