Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sock Monkeys and Their People

Many people like to show off their sock monkeys, but did you know that sock monkeys like to show off their people, too?

Sock Monkeys, Sarge and Happy Happy Sam with their boys,
Ethan and David (my grandsons).

I just added a new features to the Sock Monkey Ranch web site called Sock Monkeys and Their People. It's a place to show off pictures of you with your sock monkey (or visa versa).

Send your pics with your sock monkey's name, your first name, and maybe a sentence or two about how you got your sock monkey, your history together, etc. and I'll post it in our new fun corner of Sock Monkey Ranch. Contact Info

Can't wait to see your pics!

Have you hugged your sock monkey today?

 By the authority vested in me as the Resident Grandma of Sock Monkey Ranch, I hereby proclaim 2009 as the Year of the Sock Monkey! (A round of Banana Smoothies for everyone!)

I predict the demand for quality, handmade-with-love sock monkeys will soar just after the new year begins.

Soon the question on everyone's lips will be...did you hug your sock monkey today? How can you hug one if you don't have one?????

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Like Jigsaw Puzzles?

I love to do jigsaw puzzles with my Mom, so I thought it would be fun to make some online puzzles from my sock monkey photos for everyone to play.  Click the puzzle below to access the page with all the puzzles.  Have fun!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

An Evening at the Ranch

Tonight we all kicked back to watch the National Finals Rodeo.  I was just takin' a sip of my soda when out of the corner of my eye, I spied Dusty slip his hand behind Tumbleweed's back and take hold of Miss Millie's hand.

Millie and Dusty holding hands?

I fully expected her to throw a hissy fit, but much to my surprise, she blushed slightly and kept her little hand in his!

Is romance blossoming at Sock Monkey Ranch???

You can sneak a peek into Miss Millie's diary and Dusty's journal to see what they wrote about this evening...very interesting!